Many of the individuals and families who contact us are in financial difficulty due to student loans. There have been a significant number of changes to the student loan programs many of which offer some relief to people who are facing financial difficulties.

The US Dept of Education recently announced some additional changes to the Income Driven Repayment (IDR) program as well as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program(PSLF). If you are having financial difficulties and are in either of these programs we recommend you check the recent and previous changes to these programs to see if you might be eligible for some relief

If you are having trouble making ends meet and your budget is short at the end of each month due to credit card, medical and other bills we urge you to contact our office for a consultation. In any circumstances filing a bankruptcy case can help sginificantly in reducing the financial pressure you are feeling.

If you would like to schedule a consultation, we can be reached at 732-752-8834. Our office on Route 22 in Green Brook, NJ is conveniently located for most residents or Somerset, Hunterdon, Union and Middlesex counties.

Stress caused by financial worries is dangerous to your health.

Our experienced staff can help you determine if bankruptcy is a possible solution for your financial issues.

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